Saturday, May 5, 2018

Let's Talk About Baking, Baby... Better Crocker and Martha Stewart I Am Not, But I'm Okay With That

Baking in the City:

I know I can't be the only writer who thinks they are good at baking.

And by baking, I mean, I try and I fail more often than not to bake "correctly." Every so often, I'll bake and sometimes, it's from scratch. Let's say that's once or twice every 3 to 6 months. Of those times, one or two things will turn out okay.

Everything else... while most is okay on the palate, usually looks unattractive to the naked eye. And it's gotten worse since in the last year I've been trying to eat healthy. That means healthy baking. Ha.

In my quest to become a better baker, as a writer, seem to find myself doing the same wrong things in the kitchen, over and over again. I need a reminder, that while I'm not an ace baker, I could deliver the goods, if I only followed the baking rules. What are the baking rules, you ask? The baking rules are simple. The baking rules prevent you from doing things wrong.

Traveling the Aviation Trail (Part 2: Finishing My Seven Stops)

I left off in my last blog telling you that I began the Aviation Trail in the summer of 2016. The week after last, one day, I collecte...